Thou Shalt Miss…

  1. All of the amazing people we’ve met in Argentina — Argentines, Australians, Malaysians, Brits, Canadians, Irish, Americans, Brazilians, Colombians, Venezuelans, Chinese, parents at school, the Zs Spanish tutor Maria, their tennis teacher Cesar, and lastly, the wonderful cab driver who returned Zelda’s school blazer after she left it in the back of a cab one day.
  2. Radiant floor heating.
  3. The Zs school.
  4. Living in such a child-friendly city. Really, Buenos Aires has a million things for kids to do, and showing up with your little ones in tow never phases anyone. LOVE IT!
  5. Coffee, tea and medialunas.
  6. The central boiler hot water in our current apartment building — it is scalding hot with awesome water pressure and! This will, of course, present a problem when we return to the States and the girls have to begin rationing their shower time.
  7. All of the vendors around our apartment, including the verdulería family from Bolivia, the Deli guys who laugh at Tom’s lomito munich order every week, and the Persicco ice cream guy who doggedly tried to converse with Tom in Spanish every time he visits.
  8. Our doormen (although one of them has fallen in our regard since he forced us to buy the less-than-stellar CD of his band)!
  9. For the Zs: their friends, buying junkfood at the kiosko on field day, the fact that we give them a few Oreos in their lunch once a week “because all of the other kids have them every day!” (That will come to a halt when we return to the US!)
  10. Traveling in this beautiful beautiful country.
  11. The adventure that is gadding about Buenos Aires on the colectivo (city bus)! We will especially miss the 64, which is our closest bus…I swear it goes everywhere. We’ve been all over the city, by cab, and invariably we look up and there it is, the 64. I ADORE that bus.
  12. Zoe and Tom: attending chess tournaments on the outskirts of the city with Gil and Sebastian
  13. The fact that no one complains about noise in apartment living. Granted, that means we hear our neighbors at ridiculous hours engaged in ridiculously loud activities, but on the flip side, no one bitches about our loud music, running little person feet, us screaming at the kids, you know — life.
  14. Spring, fall and winter in Buenos Aires. (Summer, not so much!)

14 Responses to “Thou Shalt Miss…”

  1. Jorge

    I really hope you will have good things to tell friends and family about Argentina, and hopefully our paths will cross sometime in the future.
    All the best for the girls, Tom and yourself.

  2. Barbara

    Have a good flight back! I hope everything goes well. Enjoy the holidays — and the abrupt transition to short days and freezing weather!

  3. futbol

    aw, sad! should i take this a sign that it’s time for me to rejoin the ranks of the employed? nah.

    have a safe trip back, and if you ever need anything from buenos aires, please let me know. and don’t stop the blogging!

  4. Khara

    Are you moving back to Portland? I will miss the adventure reading, but at least you can get your hair cut normal 🙂

  5. Michele

    Jorge! Great to hear from you. Sarah said you guys might be looking to move back to the US — I hope that all works out. Best to you and yours this holiday season! Besos.

  6. Michele

    Barbara, I wanted to thank you for all of your lively comments over the last year! And, yes, it was a lively transition — 30 degrees F and freezing fog is a big transition. But it feels like Christmas, on the other hand!

  7. Michele

    Futbol, I have decided that one of your problems with your US experience was that you checked out the wrong part of the country. You need to hang out with the some progressive people in Portland or Seattle! But hey, don’t let our getting on with life stop you from not getting on with yours!! (*laugh* You do know that I am just kidding and truly, and am just jealous since we really don’t want to have to earn money again, we just have to. *laugh*) Same goes for you — you need something from the left coast of the US, say the word.

  8. Michele

    Khara! Love to hear from people who are reading the blog! We are moving back to Portland, in fact, Tom is yelling at me now that it’s time to go out and pound the pavement looking for a place to live. And the hair…I have to tell you that all of the Mom’s at the Z’s school in Argentina are telling me, “your hair looks much better now that it’s growing out.” Sigh. I’ve given up explaining that it was shortened against my will! *laugh*

  9. Dennis

    Medialunas only? I still miss the 5pm facturas (even though we ate at 7pm in BsAs) more than 4 months later… Oh for a panaderia in Omaha!

  10. Buenos Aires Expats - Online Community of Expatriates and guide to living in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    […] keeps expanding [ tourism obliges], more houses and hotels are being built, but the infrastruc… Thou Shalt Miss…[] All of the amazing people we’ve met in Argentina — Argentines, […]

  11. Angela

    Michele and Tom and Z’s, we miss you already!!!! 🙁

  12. Michele

    We generally didn’t partake of Merienda goodies as we were eating early American dinner to get our kids to bed early!! But, facturas are delicious, no doubt!! How are you doing by the way? How has it been for you returning to the US?

  13. Michele

    Angela!! You know we miss you darlin’!

  14. Dennis

    Since we were mostly on the early American dinner time too, I looked on facturas as “early appetizers”! Our return to the US has been mostly quiet. And, unfortunately, our “thou shalt miss” list would be much shorter, while our “thou shalt *not* miss” would be quite long, including maybe even one or two you mention above (noise, in particular). I enjoyed our time in BsAs, but wished we all could have enjoyed it more. Maybe if it was planned as a sabbatical rather than two big-decision international moves in a year…

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