Pink Technicolor Vomit…

Our return to Buenos Aires did not disappoint in the barrel-of-laughs department!

It started with Delta canceling our Thursday flight to Buenos Aires a few days prior to our departure. We hastily had to rearrange all of our plans so that we could decamp 24 hours later than we anticipated, leaving us with some seat shuffling that would need to be completed at the airport on the day of travel.

We flew uneventfully from Portland to Atlanta, even touching down 5 minutes early. Unfortunately, there was nary a gate at which we could park. So we hung out on the tarmac for awhile, causing us to be rather late. (This is foreshadowing, in case you were wondering.)

We sprinted off the plane and took the airport tram to the international gates (farthest away from where we landed, of course) and made it to our gate with just enough time to buy an enormous bag of junk food before we had to board. (Whew!)

I went up to the ticket counter to deal with the aforementioned seat shuffle and encountered a very rude gate agent who wouldn’t listen to our tale of woe and informed us that she couldn’t possibly be of assistance. In response, I asked for her full name and to talk to her supervisor. She then refused to give me her pen so that I could record her name and turned her name tag from me so that I couldn’t see it. The final nail was when she called me, “nuts.” Our reasonable mien in the face of her incredible rudeness eventually prevailed after we talked to a nice supervisor who apologized profusely and shuffled our seats around so that we had 5 seats for 4 people. An extra seat on a 9 1/2 hour flight is a lovely thing!

Upon landing, Zelda’s stomach felt queasy, so we had to wade against the traffic of disembarking passengers to make it to a bathroom. Thankfully, she didn’t throw up. As we made our way forward though, she changed her mind and blew pink chunks all over the floor in front of the first class lavatory.

When it was over she said, “I feel much better now…I’m hungry.” *Sigh*

Because of the upchucking, we were literally the last four people to make it through immigration and into the baggage claim area, where we were greeted by the happy news that NONE of our five bags had made it to Buenos Aires.

On a positive note, many other people’s bags didn’t make their tight connections in Atlanta either. Delta was very professional and had all of our maletas tracked and located, smothering us with assurance that the luggage would be delivered to our apartment tomorrow, thereby saving us from the task of figuring out how we would possibly pack all of our suitcases into Fred’s car.

The glass is half full. The glass is half full. The glass is half full!

3 Responses to “Pink Technicolor Vomit…”

  1. Buenos Aires Expats - Online Community of Expatriates and guide to living in Buenos Aires, Argentina

    […] 16 August Pink Technicolor Vomit…[] Our return to Buenos Aires did not disappoint in the barrel-of-laughs […]

  2. Dennis

    So, when/how did your bags arrive?

  3. Michele

    Dennis! How was the trip back to the US? How is everyone doing? Thanks for asking about our luggage. We got our bags the next day, delivered to our door with nothing stolen! We considered that to be a success, for sure.

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