Camp Ivy
You know the couple in your life that seems to have the perfect marriage with the perfect matching careers and the perfect children who live in the perfect house? The ones that you secretly think, “Hey, if I spent 24 hours with them, I would see the chinks in their perfect armor?” Well, for us, that couple is Brian and Melody, with whom we stayed on Saturday.
I am afraid that I have to report that after spending the night, we continue to think that Melody and Brian may be the nicest damn people we’ve ever met. Compared to them, Tom and I feel positively dark! Oh, and they don’t disappoint on the little people front either — the Zs had a wonderful time with the incredible kids of the house: Iris and Lilly. The four of them ranged through the nearby woods, swinging from ivy vines and rolling around in the dirt like frolicking elephants.
And what a house! If we ever have the means, we’ll be begging Brian and Melody for some dwelling design. In the meantime, I do believe that Tom and I could sit eternally on a warm summer evening enjoying their upstairs balcony, mesmerized by the flickering lights of Portland winking through the trees.
Who are these sick people you write about? Really that is too funny. We all had a great time and you are welcome anytime. The girls are still talking about getting the Z’s back over for another sleepover. You and Tom are an inspiration as you go and embrace life and this big ole’ world. We are looking forward to reading more of your travels and adventures. xo, M
I shall have to tell the girls, they will look forward to seeing your kids when we return. In the meantime, we have you to thank for their present enthusiasm about camp, which we are already looking forward to for next summer! *laugh*