Where Did You Do It?

We were visiting a friend of mine who had 6-month old twin boys yesterday, and the girls were entranced with all things “twin.”

At the dinner table last night, they wanted to know more about the biological processes that lead to twins, and the differences between fraternal and identical twins. Since we try to be comfortable with the girls about reproduction, we end up discussing it whenever they have questions, which means we had a lengthy discussion about sperm, eggs, fertility drugs, and cell division at the dinner table.

The whole concept of sexual intercourse is extremely distasteful to the girls (thank God), and they assume that we have only had sex twice, once each time strictly in order to get pregnant with each of them.

They asked us again last night how many times we “tried” to get pregnant. I said 1 and 1/2. Then Zoe looked at us funny and said, “Where did you do it? Because I would have remembered if I had seen something like that!”

We demurred.

Ahh…raising kids. They always hit you with this stuff when you aren’t expecting it.

3 Responses to “Where Did You Do It?”

  1. melissa s.

    oh that’s FUNNY

  2. ian

    hahaha…i can totally hear zoe’s voice in that quote! funny stuff.

  3. Lisa Oman

    Ha! Great story.

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